Agents for Patented CPQcart
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Seeking Agents with past sales experience to do calling about our Software as a Service-SaaS offering with a 10-30% recurring rolling 6 Month commission. You will supply a W9 for 1099 if US based. Calling is during business hours in the US.
10% We SEND OUT Email campaigns, YOU Call & CLOSE, recurring moving 6 Month commission (1) ****
20% YOUR LEADS, you CLOSE, recurring moving 6 Month commission (1) ****
30% YOUR LEADS, you CLOSE, BECOME Certified Trainer recurring moving 6 Month commission (1) ****
(1) Exclude 'Uhost F' as 1 time purchase that customer pays once and no Monthly fee.
Learn the 5 offerings (view bottom of CPQcart TAB & Video) that will reduce prospective service vendors 9 Order Flow Steps to 3 (ROI 4-100 Click Here to see ROI) with our Instant Quote, Patented Configure Price Quote-CPQ product called CPQcart. It is also integrated to our Marketplace where prospects get multiple Instant Quotes without effort on the vendors part. Click here for Live Demo.
We are the only Configure Price Quote-CPQ vendor with a CPQ offering integrated to a Marketplace that saves prospective Shoppers time by providing MULTIPLE INSTANT QUOTES.
We provide you with a list by industry on Google Sheet, we do email mailing to that industry if emails exist on their website, then you call, possible Zoom Demo Meeting, and CLOSE.
After they have signed up during the 6 Months a call each month to the contract Administrator person to confirm their progress in using the service and getting Testimony statements.
We provide sales scripts but welcome feedback on the scripts, emails sent, & landing page.
We have a what if Google Sheet where you can see the offerings and put in your estimates.
We provide an eMail account for you, you provide internet access, & also your own phone to do the calling.
Click here for the next step
It is envisioned that it is not a full-time position as limited hours of the best time to call.