Our Staff has many years of IT experience in  Configure Price Quote (CPQ),  ERP, & Order Entry Systems that deal with options in the Manufacturing Industry.  We are now offering this technology to any Micro, SMB, or Large business that sell or buy a product or service with options in a Patented Quote engine. CPQcart allows the site Admin in a wizard to enter all applicable questions, rules of allowed data entry, inter relationship checking, math to calculate selling price without expensive programming. 

Lee our CEO was a Guest Speaker at the 2019 DNN Summit in Denver, CO.  Click Here for a 14 Min Video about CPQcart

Lee Hinman the inventor of CPQcart and CEO has been a pioneer in IT industry as he had the first micro computer store in south Florida in 1977.  

Simply put, CPQcart is a revolutionary Cloud based Instant Price Quoting/Order software for companies selling:

  • Services with selectable options with or without products
  • or Products with selectable option answers

Both have different quote prices based on their individual preferences and needs.

With CPQcart a Return On Investment ROI can vary from $5 to $1000s per $1 spent on CPQcart. To see what YOUR Return on Investment-ROI is we have a web page for YOU.  Click here to Discover your ROI

What is CPQ?

CPQ is an acronym for Configure, Price, Quote.  CPQ is used to describe the process of selecting options (configure), handle pricing (price) and generate documentation (quote).  CPQ software is primarily used for complex services, products, or a combination of the two.

It can also be used by office and field staff to ensure consistent quotes are provided to prospects.  These quotes are emailed to the customer, vendor Admin and history secured safely in the cloud that is backed up daily.

What is CPQcart?

CPQcart is unique and was granted a US Methods Patent.  It is an eCommerce Engine but not taking Credit Cards as $ down and the rest upon completion when dealing with Services and possible products is not applicable.  After each Completion of the Pre-Defined form has the ability to indicate if it is Quote or Order, that is NOT the Normal in eCommerce. The site Administrator using CPQcart has the ability to Math from each of the Option attributes to compute the Quote/Order Price. The admin also has control of the option words, allowed answers & words when failing.  No knowledge of HTML programming needed as the Wizard allows the admin to set up the predefined forms.

CPQ-(configure), handle pricing (price) and generate documentation (quote).

What makes CPQcart unique?

CPQcart software is unique as we are the only Configure Price Quote-CPQ vendor with a cloud based Instant Price Quote software integrated with a Marketplace providing multiple Instant Price Quotes in seconds without any human interaction on the Vendors part.  This will be a disrupter to Home Advisor as well as other industries outside of home improvement.  Below are screen images.

We are not advocating to replace your existing website.

  • You have a link placed on your present website to ours. 
  • Your contact only site FORM can be replaced with our link.
  • Or you only provide our web page to your staff if you do not want it open to the public.
  • You control the option words, allowed answers, & math for computing the quote price. 
  • We do the rest of keeping you site up to date & backups.

If you have some Questions before starting the Free 30-Day Trial Click on the Schedule-Time TAB above to set up an appointment? 

Check out the Industry TAB with screens for different industries.

Check out the FAQ TAB with more info.

Still skeptical?  Test it for yourself with a Free 30-Day Trial

You can sign up for the FREE 30-day Trial (No Credit Card until day 28) with one of the three links below:

1. Go to or click https://www.cpqcart.com/LP/Survey

2. Go to or click https://www.cpqcart.com/ROI follow the notes.

3. Click Here Register, Click add to cart, answer Options then checkout.

We are a Partner with  

Industries needing multiple option answers, Patented 247eQuotes provides Self-Service Cloud INSTANT $ Quotes with reduction from $15/Hr to $0.045/Hr/Product and reducing 8 Order Flow Steps to 3 plus more prospects on our marketplace.

247eQuotes With Instant Quotes+ 247eQuotes247eQuotes.market+ DNN® WCMS=Accurate Quotes + Lower Overhead + More Exposure & Increased Sales 24/7

Click Here for the Most Popular Offering $1/day/product & start Saving! with Self-Help ability & Exposure on our Marketplace


 Click here to join our Marketplace and only pay per transaction. No Monthly fee, but unable to link to Instant Quotes from your site.

We are a Partner with  

   Powered by Patented 247eQuotes